
White Liberals. Just Stop. Please.

This article originally appeared as a contribution to OnyxTruth.com on July 20, 2016. If I’ve discovered anything on this journey – my self-discovery and the subsequent waking of my abolitionist bent – it’s that liberals are often the worst about denying their own bias.  Well-meaning, outwardly-decent people who are appalled at institutionalized racism.  People who try hard to …

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Tell The Truth About Hillary

This article originally appeared as a contribution to OnyxTruth.com on July 15, 2016. “Words Used To Describe Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trebek.” I’ve been doing some thinking. I’ve been hesitant to vote for Hillary Clinton.  A lot of thinking.  The usual thoughts.  There’s so much water under the bridge between me and Hillary.  She’s been investigated by everybody under …

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Say Their Names. Today.

This article originally appeared as a contribution to OnyxTruth.com on July 8, 2016. Say it today.  Say every one of their names.  Say them out loud.  Because it’s too late to say it when they’re gone. Gil, the light skin hero.  Dr. Charles Sweat, the thoracic surgeon.  Ricky Hinds, the Navy veteran.  Johnny Silvercloud, the Soul Brotha …

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Feel The Johnson

This article originally appeared as a contribution to OnyxTruth.com on July 6, 2016. Gary Johnson is someone I could get behind.  If Gary Johnson was a Republican, I’d vote for him. Whoa.  Huh? I’ve often said that I’d be a conservative if there weren’t so many damn Republicans.  And it’s true.  Conservatives are supposed to want the government …

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